Hi, I'm XxZer0ModZxX, also known as Zer0 ;) I'm a PS3 Dev and Modder. Want to download our work? Signin/Register!
We are a team of developers, coders and testers. We mod, exploit, gfx, test and code. We are born as a team, we work as a team. Everything Once Started From 0. Never start something you can't finish!
We cut and rework codes that need's changes and improvements.
We stay in touch via mail and other chatting platform.
We fix what's needs to be fixed for everything to work fine.
I was working close with Glitcheaven. We wer one of the first devs working on bypass and modified colboot (dev_flash) Sadly my friend died in a carcrash and the group splitted. and another dev EM(EliteMossy) took credit for the bypass.
PS3 came out and i saw things got changed a lot again consoles back in the day. When homebrew got released in the scene i searched a few devs on the net those had the same interest like m� to share some thoughts on it.
========================= Everything started Once from 0 ========================= Never start what you cant finish =========================
I gave up for a while untill i crossed a few other people. RedDot-3ND7355, B7U3 C50SS, Blame, ItsBeastt and Diggygoglol. A new team was born that day! We all shared the same thoughts, with each their own job! Lots of time has been passing by and still today the team is up! Knowlegde has been increased forsure! Like coding C/C+/C++, HTML, Java, Binary, Graphics.. and still we keep learning from day till day! Most of you outhere know/saw us growing the last years! Till today my personal work as Developer and with other like Habib and so on.. can be found on the links below !! Our site | PS4 News | RedDotCity
I was a 7 year old kid. All began back in the day with Arcade (PCB). It got my attention and saw a new world went open. From here i started collecting a lot of consoles.. starting on Sega to Dreamcast and XBox, to Nintendo and PS. I still own all of them! cleaned, fixed and modded them in ways i could. Those times learned m� the most on consoles how they got created, and how i was able to change them like i want to.